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    Instead of uploading an avatar image it would be great if users could use their webcam to take a photo and upload it directly.




    @mln83 unlike the consistency with mobile devices doing this for desktops would be a much larger undertaking that just isn’t practical for an internet application. Sorry.


    I see what you are saying. I thought it would be quite easy with HTML5:
    <input type=”file” accept=”image/*;capture=camera”>

    But I guess it only works on mobile devices.

    In the meantime I have found one plugin that supposedly does what I was asking for:

    using Flash but I am not convinced that it will work on certain mobile devices.

    Anyway it is interesting to note how difficult it is to make something like this cross-platform compatible 🙂


    I wonder if the feature could be implemented on mobile device simply as:

    —-Begin pseudo code—-

    if ”mobile device”
    <input type=”file” accept=”image/*;capture=camera”>

    —-end pseudo code—-


    I have been in contact with the developer behind ImagePicker. He is currently working on a new version that may include support for WordPress. He may also be interested in developing a version specifically for BuddyBoss. I will forward the link here:


    Best regards,


    I see that you have added support for grabbing a profile photo using webcam in Boss 2.0.0.

    This is great news! Thanks!

    Keep up the good work 🙂



    Thanks 🙂

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