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    I have a test environment that is (at least based on plugins and theme) the same as my live site.

    On my test team I get the global photo page, but not on my live page.

    I have done some crude inspection and came up with the only difference I could find (through firefox inspector)

    de_waaghalsjes_test is the view of the live site and test3_leden_media is the view of the test site. Only difference is that test site calls jquery three times and live site only twice…

    Can you help me out or give some pointers???


    live site url: http://dewaaghalsjes.nl/test/

    test site: http://test3.croeze.net/leden-media/




    @tjchester , at least @mth75 gets a global photo page. I noticed that indeed (also in the profile-media page) photo’s that are added to an album are not shown in the photo’s tab.

    I think this is different because I get a completely blank page whilst on my test environment I get the gallery view.

    See the screenshots for the difference below.


    @tjchester I got this solved! The culprit is a plugin called Add Link To Facebook (https://wordpress.org/plugins/add-link-to-facebook/), to be specific: ONE setting in this plugin.

    I had to check the setting “Do not execute filters for texts” (set it to True) in the Admin options of this plugin and then the Global Photo gallery page suddenly worked 🙂

    Maybe a good idea for others that use this plugin also. I do not understand what that setting does exactly, but everything seems to be working now on my website.



    @haime thanks for the update 🙂


    I am having this problem in a multi-site install using 2.0.8. Should it work in that environment? Am I correct that no short-code is needed in the Photos page? I am not using the facebook plug-in mentioned above.


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