BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes Boss. theme Blank White Page for few seconds

  • This topic has 5 replies, 2 contibutors, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    We purchased your theme and its working fine. But When user is logged in and navigate pages its taking 4 to 5 seconds to load and meantime its showing blank white space. When we deactivate child theme its working perfect. So there are some issue with child theme. My website url is http://www.thebusinesswoman.today

    Please provide us best solution. As we nearly to finish this project and soon this will be live.
    Blank white page harming our visitors. So please find out best solution for child theme

    waiting for your positive reply





    Hi @thebwt, Please provide your website login credentials through our contact us page : https://www.buddyboss.com/contact/ o debug the issue.



    Hi Pallavi,

    I have made you an admin for our site so you can check out the reload issue. Every time we go to a different page or function – it seems like the whole site reloads.



    Hi @thebwt, I have checked your site which is using very old version of Boss theme with huge customization..Please ask your developer to create a complete backup of theme and site and update the parent theme to get the new features.

    In Current version of Boss there is an option for optimization (to speed up the site)



    Hi Pallavi, please can you urgently hide reply #58555 thanks



    Hi @thebwt, I have edited the reply #58555


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