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    Is there a new theme coming?




    @jgwolfensberger yes there is. We have an early release period for those who were in the beta. General public release is coming soon.


    Will those who have paid for the beta have to pay again for the main release?



    @digital-porch no, beta tester do not have to pay again for the main release.


    So I just purchased the BuddyBoss theme and plugins from you… If the new Boss theme is something I would have wanted instead what am I going to be charged for the new theme over the old BuddyBoss? Should I have just waited? Have I wasted my money when I should have waited?



    @dnosker Hey David,

    No im not a BuddyBoss employee so don’t take any of this as the final answer, but I hope I can shed some light.

    You haven’t wasted your money at ALL – BuddyBoss is the leading Premium BuddyPress theme for as long as I can remember. Should you have waited? NO! Both Boss & BuddyBoss are absolutely awesome and are great themes to have in your arsenal, whether for your personal sites or clients sites.

    Im sure @tjchester and the team will work something out for you, but I hope by now you’ve installed BuddyBoss itself and can’t wait to get a hold of Boss too!




    @dnosker Welcome to the BuddyBoss community! The themes are independent of each other. It really depends on what you want from your online community. We do have a 60 day money back guarantee if you would prefer to purchase the Boss theme. The new Boss theme is more expensive and includes only 1 year of support. It also has a multi-site license option. When it comes out within the next week and you want the Boss theme instead please fill out the contact form for a refund of the BuddyBoss theme.


    @tjchester – is there any plan for the original BuddyBoss theme being phased out? Boss looks interesting, but it isn’t right for my site.



    @jgwolfensberger absolutely not, we are developing these two themes separately. In fact, hopefully this will speed improvements to the BuddyBoss theme as well!

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