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    following issues:

    1. Changed Files are not mentioned for this update.

    2. Fixed two blog post titles showing for single post. This is not fixed. I still get 2 title tags for the home page using wordpress yoast seo plugin.

    3. Logout button still not there in mobile view.

    4. Need better plugin compatibility with Theme My Login Plugin which works very well with your buddyboss theme.

    5. Invite Anyone plugin is not working for group invites and goes to page not found or 404.

    6. This issue still remains https://www.buddyboss.com/support-forums/topic/next-button-pagination-issue/




    Hi @wrkazigmail

    1) I have added all changed files path inside 1.2.2 from 1.2.1 at

    2) Two Blog title was displaying on single post, which is fixed now
    We check for meta values with SEO yoast

    3) Logout Button for Mobile will be fixed shortly

    4) I will add Theme My Login in our suggestion list

    5) Support for Invite Anyone plugin is still in task list Do not have any ETA on it

    6) Next Button Pagination is added as low priority task, we will take care of it shortly after next Boss update

    Thanks for your detailed feedback and patience

    Varun Dubey


    Thanks varun…but i still get 2 title tags…i have to remove the title tag from the boss header so that yoast SEO displays only one title….any way to fix this?



    Hi @wrkazigmail, Can you provide a live url on which you have to meta titles
    I have tested with Yoast now and found only one meta values
    Varun Dubey


    Thanks for your time varun..fixed this using the Enable force rewrite titles setting of yoast seo. dont know why i had to use this though.






    This issue still exists 3. Logout button still not there in mobile view.



    Hi @jerseypeeps
    Please check following thread it will help you to add logout button in mobile view

    Varun Dubey

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