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    using https://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress-activity-privacy/ doesnt allow me to select activity privacy. Some kinda css/js issue

    the privacy button becomes unresponsive. Can this be checked?





    Hi @wrkazigmail, Activity privacy is also added in our BuddyBoss Wall plugin, you can use BuddyBoss Wall privacy options.




    am aware about that. but is it possible to use BP activity plugin with boss theme?


    BP activity privacy plugin supports https://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress-followers/ plugin which means i can post activity update only to my followers. This doesnt work with your buddyboss wall plugin. Kindly let me know


    @tjchester can this be checked plz?



    @wrkazigmail Please verify this is your settings:
    1) You are using Boss theme
    2) Buddypress Friend Connections are DISABLED
    3) You are NOT using the BuddyBoss Wall plugin
    4) You are using BuddyPress Followers plugin

    Also, Please verify if you are using any other BuddyBoss plugins.


    1) You are using Boss theme YES
    2) Buddypress Friend Connections are DISABLED YES
    3) You are NOT using the BuddyBoss Wall plugin NO
    4) You are using BuddyPress Followers plugin YES

    Buddyboss wall doesnt add the post activity to followers option. thats why i had to use this plugin


    But there are issues with the plugin it seems and would prefer using Buddyboss wall

    can you add support for BP followers plugin with your BuddyBoss wall plugin?


    also if BuddyBoss wall you can allow privacy levels for Groups also would really help



    @wrkazigmail the developers are working on a fix for this right away.


    Great!!!…looking forward to it…..



    @wrkazigmail in BP Activity Privacy settings when you select the option to Use FontAwesome Icons does this fix the issue?


    not sure where that option is….but https://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress-activity-privacy/ is not been updated for a long time now and there are issues wtih this plugin

    if you can get buddyboss wall plugin to integrate activity privacy like the above plugin would be great….



    Hi @wrkazigmail, we have already started including privacy feature in our plugin. Obviously all features will take time to be part of BuddyBoss Wall plugin.

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