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    With the Buddyboss Media plugin enabled, if I click reply to a comment in my activity stream, nothing happens. I also get these 2 errors:

    moxie.js?ver=1.2.1:3319 | Uncaught NOT_FOUND_ERR: NOT_FOUND_ERR: DOMException 8
    jquery-scroll-to.js?ver=2.4.3:151 | Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘slice’ of undefined

    If I disable the buddyboss media plugin, everything works correctly.




    Hi @tyler-kelting

    It might be possible Media plugin is getting conflict any existing active plugin. Please try to de-activate you other media related or lightbox related plugin for a while to debug the issue.



    I deactived every plugin on my local site except for buddypress and buddyboss media. Still getting the same error.

    I even tried it with the theme twentyfifteen with the same results.



    Hi @tyler-kelting, Please send your login details from our contact page
    We will check at your site.

    Varun Dubey


    @vapvarun This is on a local website, so you logging in would be impossible.



    Hi I have tested with Media plugin again, it seems working fine
    Please attached a screenshot or screencast to identify the issue


    Varun Dubey


    Well it seems I’ve found the issue, but not what’s causing it. When BuddyBoss is active it will duplicate comment IDs. So on my current activity page there’s 4 list items with the same ID (<li id=”acomment-219″>). When I deactivate BuddyBoss it goes down to only 1 and the replys will work.

    So the issue is when BuddyBoss is activated and you click ‘reply’ it doesn’t know which comment to scroll to since there are multiple on the page with the same ID.



    Hi @tyler-kelting

    Hope you are doing good today..

    I have notified our development team to check the issue..



    Kind of hacky, but I was able to remove the duplicating comments with this and it works now:

    $(document).ready(function () {
      $(".activity-header").each(function() {
    		var thisHeadText = $(this).children("p").text();
    		//This was causing issues with the comment system so it's removed. 
    		if (thisHeadText.toLowerCase().indexOf("posted a new activity comment") >= 0){


    Great 🙂


    Does buddyboss media only work with the buddyboss theme? I have it installed on my website with the DynamiX Theme installed. It seemed to be working fine until it asked me to migrate the database, which I did until it said ‘success’. But now when I try to comment on someone’s activity post, the comment won’t display and an error comes up saying ‘There was an error posting your reply. Please try again.’. Any ideas? I tried deactivating the plugin and reverting to TwentySixteen theme but still the error persists.



    Nevermind 🙂 I found the issue. it was this function I had in bp_custom.php:

    //Block certain activity types from being added
    function bp_activity_dont_save( $activity_object ) {
    $exclude = array(
    // if the activity type is empty, it stops BuddyPress BP_Activity_Activity::save() function
    if( in_array( $activity_object->type, $exclude ) )
    $activity_object->type = false;
    add_action('bp_activity_before_save', 'bp_activity_dont_save', 10, 1 );

    the last ‘activity_comment’ is what was creating the error. Removed it and now it works.



    Great 🙂
    Varun Dubey

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