BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes Boss. theme BuddyPanel Does Not Appear When Logged Out

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    I have the settings for buddypanel to be visible for logged out users, but still it does not show. I have deactivated all plugins, still no buddypanel when logged out.

    Please fix.




    Hi @jomik12, please PM your site login details, i will check it.


    it’s a simple bug… the guys here are supposed to correct it, as it’s the missing setting related to “show Buddypanel”… when installing the theme once, the setting is missing. so you need 3 steps:

    1- go to the Appearance > Customize > Desktop Options > Logged Out Users

    2- change Show to Hide, Save…

    3- switch back to Show Buddypanel, save

    now it’s supposed to work properly…


    Yep, that fixed it. Thanks!



    Thanks @jeanpierre, i was also going to do the same. just had to save the option after making selection .

    hopefully it had solved your issue, its also in our to do list, will come as default in future updates

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