Hey, i have nearly the same problem here. On the frontpage the left buddypanel is not sticky and there is another blank space below the footer. i only have this problem when i install the .21 update, never before. I also checked php.ini but this is not the problem, code is proper. i made a fresh install on three different servers without any addons (except buddypress). Without buddypress the theme is not running, youi get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_displayed_user_id() in /var/www/virtual/xxx/htdocs/wp-content/themes/boss/buddyboss-inc/theme-functions.php on line 2774
php version .4, .5 & .6 has been tried.
i attached screens from unsticky buddypanel and the blank below footer space. All wp elements are updated and as said: as soon as i downgrade to .20 all issues are solved.
Hi, as i mentioned above without activating buddypress the site is not running either. With activated buddypress the described problems apear (only with version .21). please advice!
Hi @intronaut,
BuddyPress dependency will be removed shortly I have notified developers about it, and for the sticky image
we are working on getimagesize() function alternative
for meantime, you can test with following custom css