BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes BuddyBoss theme BuddyPress v2.5.0 ready?

  • This topic has 7 replies, 2 contibutors, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Question


    Hi vapvarun,

    Question? Is the BuddyBoss theme ready for BuddyPress v2.5.0?

    I’m asking because of this major release with great Highlights, see https://codex.buddypress.org/version-2-5-0/

    Best Regards,




    Hi @thorsten

    It’s safe to update, New exciting features are added.

    As regular practice please create a full backup before updating major plugins.
    Varun Dubey


    Hi vapvarun

    Updated to BuddyPress v2.5.0 and unfortuneatly your theme is not almost safe, see screenshots attached.

    1. For me as an admin I got a wrong appearance on profile activity page.

    2. The site-wide activity page is wrong also, see avatars.

    Best Regards,


    Found more styling issues, if you want to send a private message to someone.


    Hi @vapvarun,

    I found a very important information for you.

    1. WordPress Backend mode | Tools | BuddyPress there you’ll find the following hint

    “BuddyPress keeps track of various relationships between members, groups, and activity items. Occasionally these relationships become out of sync, most often after an import, update, or migration.”

    This is responsable for the first two screenshots I attached, see http://cdn.buddyboss.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/05-03-2016-10-34-45.jpg and http://cdn.buddyboss.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/05-03-2016-10-38-48.jpg

    I had to delete a lot of comments to get it right back like before.

    2. The third and fourth screenshot I attached couldn’t be resolved by myself and it seems it is a theme issue.

    Best Regards,



    Hi @vapvarun,

    unfortunately I’ve to roll back. I thought the solution was found with my above answer but it’s not. Created a forum topic within a private group and got the same issue as before, see screenshots attached.

    It has to do with bbPress and the forums in groups. After deleting the forum activities, everything seems to be fine again. Can you check this with your theme please, because before I updated to BuddyPress v2.5.0, I did not have all the issues!

    Thank you!

    Best Regards,


    Hi @vapvarun,

    Now I’m sure, it has to do with the formatting in forum topics, e.g. bullets and numerations, see screenshots. I created a test group with a forum and made a new topic. After this everything destroys the structure.

    Best Regards,



    Hi @thorsten, I have notified all points to developers to take a look of it.

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