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    Hello everyone,

    I’ve created a squeeze page using LeadPages to direct people to buy our new course: Passion2Profit. When someone click on the Buy Now button on my squeeze page – I need them to go directly to a page that allows them to enter their credit card info and move forward.

    As of now, I only see that I can send them to the registration page for Social Learner and then they must navigate to the course and then the buy now button and then enter credit card info. My bosses say this will not do.

    Maybe a sign up/registration that includes the boxes to enter their credit card information?

    Is there a way to make that work? Any help is GREATLY appreciated!!




    Hi @b2blearn_admin, Leadpages forms do not create users inside the WordPress, and an existing logged in user can only go to payment details page after the submission.


    Thank you so much for your quick reply! Is there absolutely no way around this? I can have the LeadPages Buy Now button go to ANY link. Is it possible to have a sign up for a course that INCLUDES user registration? Maybe if I work to have someone code it?

    I think it would be a FANTASTIC addition because you lose sooooo many sales if the transaction is not easy and instant.

    Thank you!



    Hi @b2blearn_admin
    You can link them those course to WooCommerce Product urls instead of Course page and It will lead them to add those course to add to cart and checkout


    That’s a fantastic idea but what happens to their registration. For example:

    Customer 1 is on squeezepage and clicks Buy Now which goes to product check out for the course and they pay…
    how would registration for that course happen? Is it linked when they purchase it or would I direct them to register through thank you email with link?

    Your help is SO appreciated!!!



    @b2blearn_admin , Woo Commerce can also handle registration You can try with that approach
    Inside Woo Commerce please enable registration at checkout or also test guest checkout method


    This is wonderful! One more question – when woocommerce handles the registration does it automatically enroll them for the course they paid for?



    YES, It will enroll them to corresponding course also
    Make sure your have linked products to corresponding courses in individual course settings

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