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    I tried to change the woocommerce featured products widget’s CSS to change the product name’s font, by adding the following code to custom css:

    .woocommerce ul.products li.type-product h3 {
        padding: .5em 0;
        margin: 0;
        font-size: 18px;
        font-family: Lato;

    However, this doesn’t work. I would like to change the font type of the title to Lato instead of Merriweather to match the font type of the other widgets. May I know the correct code or way to go about this?



    I’ve found a solution for this. I managed to change that specific font style by going to the OneSocial Theme tab in WP and changing the typography settings.

    We can close this thread. Thanks!


    Great you found the solution. 🙂

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