BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Plugins BuddyPress User Blog Changing format of New Post page fields

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    I have installed Boss 2.0 and User Blog. The Blog post page works okay but it’s hard to figure out if you don’t already know where the fields are. Worse, the very light gray text is very difficult for people with visual handicaps to see. How can I make the color of the “Title” and “Tell your story” much darker and, preferably, outline the input fields as well?

    I looked into the plugin CSS but it was not at all obvious to me what changes might accomplish these rather needed edits. The feedback I’m getting from testers is very positive on the user blog feature and very negative on this input screen.




    Hi @blstraub,

    Try adding following css in child theme custom css.

    .sap-editor-wrap .sap-editor-area-wrapper .medium-editor-placeholder::after {
      color: #b3b3b1 !important;
      text-indent: 10px;
    .sap-editor-wrap .sap-editor-area-wrapper .sap-editable-title, .sap-editor-wrap .sap-editor-area-wrapper .sap-editable-area {
      border: 1px solid #b3b3b1 !important;
      padding-left: 10px;



    That’s perfect! 🙂

    I can usually figure out whatever CSS changes I need in order to do what I want and I was pretty sure that this was going to be a change in the SAP fields but it was not clear at all to me exactly what part to modify.

    This will make a really big improvement in the usability of that page, especially for people whose vision is not as good as it might have been a few decades ago.

    Thank you very much for a quick and perfect reply!


    Hi @blstraub,

    Great 🙂


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