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    In the courses, lessons and topics, the “Course Materials” and “Lessons” have a text box where the title is on a white bar and then under it is the contents with a light blue background.

    Like this : http://imgur.com/P1yFOSO

    Is there an option in the visual composer to add a similar looking box?

    Right now I have tabs where the tabs’ titles are different font size and color and it doesn’t look good. Its not matching the other content,

    View post on imgur.com




    Hey @randall-league , You can include tabs and if you need a separate font family or Font Size you can easily change with Custom CSS.
    Corresponding tab class is following, you can include

    .wpb_content_element .wpb_tabs_nav li.ui-tabs-active a {
        color: #002444;

    Varun Dubey

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