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    When a member updates his cover photo. How can s/he reverts to the old or default cover photo? Is there any such option?





    Hi @wc7080 ,

    at present we do not have any option to reverts the old images… the uers meta is using the current value. We will try to include it in our coming updates.

    Varun Dubey


    @vapvarun , is it a “possible in the future” or something written in the roadmap ?!… because words are important here.


    @vapvarun it would be also useful to instruct the users to add an image with specific height and width.




    @jeanpierre, It is possible but I need to discuss on it with developers first to tell something about when it could be possible, @wc7080 yes definitely we need to add aspect ratio instructions in the documents.

    Varun Dubey


    @vapvarun It would be cool to not only have the option to revert to your original default cover photo, but perhaps also give the ability to generate a NEW random default photo (if you’re not happy with the one you got).

    Also, am I correct in assuming that we can create our own default cover photos for users, by replacing the images in wp-content>themes>boss>images>cover-stocks (but keeping the same numbered file names)?



    hi @antonkawasaki , i had passed this idea to developers.

    Varun Dubey

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