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    Currently the theme support projects & WIPS.

    Is it possible to create another template called products?

    For this new template I want to embed a shortcode in there to list products of that Product template name, from Marketpress.



    The intent is the foster engagement around sellable products, rather then just portfolio ideas.


    And to use the awesome social listings that are visible here:



    Hi @johnny
    We need to spent time for MartketPress integration. I will keep in our suggestion list. It will be added in our future updates.

    Varun Dubey


    Which ecommerce plugin is your preference?


    Woo commerce?

    If woo, Would you consider supporting the multi vendor plugin wcvendors?

    If MP, would you consider supporting the multi vendor plugin Marketpress Mojo?

    By support I mean mostly CSS styling and UX.

    Any thoughts/discussions?

    Are you actually considering making this theme more ‘product’ focused?





    Hi @johnny, We are considering multi vendor plugin wc vendors and wc vendors pro.
    It is still in our discussion phase. We will update your shortly.
    Varun Dubey


    If I send the latest MP version would you consider installing it for dev purposes?

    MP incorporates a lot of the features of Woo at a lot less cost upfront.

    The MP3 version is still buggy, but WPMUDEV have stated they will be making it more and more solid early 2016.

    Did you want me to email it?



    Hi @johnny, We have got the mail, our team will respond on it shortly
    Varun Dubey

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