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  • Question


    I have been using a plugin called “Use Any Font” to add custom font to my website, http://playzilla.in
    I works fine in desktop browser and even in mobiletest.me where I load my website to see how it will seem in a mobile phone.
    However when I load it in my android app created using webview for the website, it does not work.
    After a lot of hunting I got a developer who I could ask for the solution and he says that there is an issue with that plugin so my question are the following:

    1.) Have any of you faced an issue while using “Use Any Font” plugin, if you have been using it that is…
    2.) Buddypress has custom fonts itself, can I add my font so that it shows in the theme options and I could select from there. The font that I want to use is “TF2.tff” its based on a video game called “Team Fortress 2” and is available in dafont.com

    Please help as this is the only thing that is holding me back into launching the site.





    Hey @tjchester!

    Thanks for the tip, I tried it out but its kinda a weird plugin.
    You gotta point at stuff and then give it a name and stuff…
    There is no option to select all the content in the website.

    If they had a setting where I could just choose the html tag like
    say “P”,”h1″,”h2″ etc and they apply that font to it (like in “Use
    Any Font”) then it would have been better and simpler actually.

    This is kind of a hit and miss, I think.
    I uninstalled it already…

    Do you have any other suggestions? God I wish “Use any font” had
    worked in webview in the android app… it seems to work everywhere

    Can we add a ttf font in buddyboss theme and get to choose it under
    appearance > Customize > Typography, since you do have an option
    there in your theme options.



    @lsgxtremes This might be worth looking at too – https://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-google-fonts/


    Hey Paul!

    I am looking at it, seems there is a google font
    called “Chelsea Market” that sort of matches my
    original custom font in question called “TF2”
    from dafont.com

    Will try it with the plugin, lets see how it goes.
    BTW seems like the author to the “Use Any Font” is
    active in the wordpress forums, wrote to him, lets
    see how it goes.

    Thanks anyways!


    Well @style960!

    I can live with it, choose “Chelsea Market” and it comes close to “TF2”
    So yeah, thanks a lot, you, @tjchester and all!

    We could close this forum thread if wanted…


    @lsgxtremes No worries, pleased it helped.



    Awesome, thanks for the assist Paul!


    Hello Paul/TJ,
    Thanks for all the help 🙂
    Sorry for the late message, was busy building the site.



    No worries 🙂

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