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Hi @duncanwaldek,
Hope you are doing good today
Is your problem resolved ? Feel free to post a reply if you need further support with this issue.
I have checked the screenshot attached by you…seems it is WC Vendors issues.
You can also ask in WCV support forum hope they will suggest you better..
@Pallavi, web problem solved. As per the template decided to use it partially. Thanks anyway
Great, glad you were able to get this sorted out 🙂
@vapvarun I clicked on the link but i dont see where to download file i just see a bunch of code?
Hi @asportsman
Please user right click to save as xml, Dropbox added feature to display code of files.
@vapvarun am i suppose to save it as anything special?
Hi @asportsman, Just save as it is , it will be saved as filename.xml
Varun Dubey
@vapvarun Thank you for the fast response sir much appreciated!
@vapvarun it worked for the most part but my menu and sidebars arent showing up at all
Hi @asportsman,
Go to Appearance > Menus , create one and assign it to desired location . For sidebar section go to Appearance > widgets, there you can see different locations where you can implement your sidebar as per your requirement.
Im having issus getting the main menu under the title bar dont know why but none of the selections im using in the menus tab are working. Its just showing title bar and home page slider?
Hi @asportsman,
Have you tried from Appearance > widgets . Create your store menu from ‘Marketpanel’. Please refer to attached screenshot.
If this is the link to the XML https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/23181693/marketplace/marketplace.wordpress.2016-02-29.xml why am I getting this
Hi @obinna, You can also use the zip file I have attached. Just unzip it before import.
When is the fixed version of demo content xml coming? I am getting below errors while importing:
Failed to import pa_color Black
Failed to import product_color Black
Failed to import pa_color Blue
Failed to import product_color Blue
Failed to import pa_color Green
Failed to import product_color Green
Failed to import product_color Red
Failed to import product_color Tan
Failed to import product_color Teal
Failed to import product_color White
Failed to import “Ebook Widget”: Invalid post type omapi
Failed to import “10% Off Slidein”: Invalid post type omapi
Failed to import “Ebook Download Exit Popup”: Invalid post type omapi
Failed to import “Ebook Download”: Invalid post type omapi
Failed to import “Discount Offer Exit Popup”: Invalid post type omapi
Failed to import “10% off”: Invalid post type omapi
Failed to import product_color Black
Failed to import product_color Teal
Failed to import product_color White
Failed to import product_color Black
Failed to import product_color Black
Failed to import product_color Blue
Failed to import product_color Teal
Failed to import product_color Red
Failed to import product_color Red
Failed to import product_color Blue
Failed to import product_color White
Failed to import product_color White
Failed to import product_color Teal
Failed to import product_color Blue
Failed to import product_color Teal
Failed to import product_color Teal
Failed to import product_color Black
Failed to import product_color White