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BuddyBoss Home – Web › Support Forums › Solutions › Social MarketPlace › demo import
Is there any option to import demo? 1-click import demo?
I also would like to know if this is possible.
I have spend lots of time figuring out all the settings and configurations. But, still can’t get started.
I urgently need to import demo contents which can make exactly the same as your demo site. Please kindly HELP!!!
Hey Bruce, have you tried just importing that XML file using the Theme options instead of using WP All import? I dont think you need a third party plugin to import the demo data. I havn’t tried it but maybe you can and let me know how it goes.
XML here https://www.buddyboss.com/support-forums/topic/demo-content-of-social-marketplace/
…going to your Dashboard–>BuddyBoss–>OneSocial Theme–> Import / Export
Hope this helps.
Hi Aaron,
I follow your advice and import the xml from the url via theme option -> import. However, it doesn’t work. My site is still the same. Please kindly help.
Hi @bruce7075,
Please get the demo xml file from this Thread
To import the demo content xml file, Go to admin panel Select Tools > Import > Select the last option WordPress >
If you are using it first time so it will ask you to install ‘WordPress Importer’ just click on ‘Install’ button..after the click on Activate Plugin & Run Importer
If you have installed the importer then Choose a file and upload file and import.
The file is over 2MB and failed to import. I have tried to FTP and import the file to the theme but still doesn’t work.
Please kindly advise where to upload the xml demo file.
Hi @bruce7075, You need to increase the maximum file upload size in WordPress.
In php.ini file, change the parameter to whatever size you need (example: )
upload_max_filesize = 32M
post_max_size = 32M
add this to top of wp-config.php
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');
Thanks! Finally, now I have imported the demo contents. However, I have below problems.
1. Failed to import as below.
Failed to import pa_color Black
Failed to import pa_color Blue
Failed to import pa_color Green
Failed to import “Ebook Widget”: Invalid post type omapi
Failed to import “10% Off Slidein”: Invalid post type omapi
Failed to import “Ebook Download Exit Popup”: Invalid post type omapi
Failed to import “Ebook Download”: Invalid post type omapi
Failed to import “Discount Offer Exit Popup”: Invalid post type omapi
Failed to import “10% off”: Invalid post type omapi
2. I have created pages for stores and sellers and have reset permalinks after changing this setting. However, I can see “Sellers” webpage, but not “Stores”. Please kindly advise how to show it up.
3. I have ever created a product before import demo contents. However, on this product page, it still not showing “Ask A Question” and “Add to Favorites” like those demo products. Please kindly advise what may go wrong.
Thanks very much!
GREAT! looks like your off to a good start. I am no expert and just another user as you are but at first glance at your Error Report:
Failed to import pa_color Black <– I would ignore all the pa_color errors (probably a color setting for a Product?) could be related to THIS PLUGIN which I see that the DEMO is using. https://wordpress.org/plugins/color-filters/
Failed to import pa_color Blue
Failed to import pa_color Green
All these errors below are related to plugin/’s you dont have installed. It could not find the ‘Post Type’. I would Just ignore.
Failed to import “Ebook Widget”: Invalid post type omapi
Failed to import “10% Off Slidein”: Invalid post type omapi
Failed to import “Ebook Download Exit Popup”: Invalid post type omapi
Failed to import “Ebook Download”: Invalid post type omapi
Failed to import “Discount Offer Exit Popup”: Invalid post type omapi
Failed to import “10% off”: Invalid post type omapi
2.) not totally sure. It worked for me. Go to your Dashbaord–> BuddyBoss –> MarketPlace and in General Settings make sure your pages are selected (Stores, Sellers) then click on the VIEW button for each page.
3.) I think a saw this question on the Support Forum. Do a search for ‘Ask a Question’ and see what you can find.
Hope this helps 🙂
Hi Aaron,
Thank you for your kindness in helping me! Thanks!
1. Right. It seems that no issues with these errors.
2. I have already done this. When I view the store page, it shows “Sorry, no stores were found.” In the demo site, there are quite some stores. No idea why no stores were found. So, I am still having problems in how to let those stores show up.
3. I have created another new product after importing demo contents. It works fine by showing up Ask A Question and Add to Favorites buttons. But not for the one I created before importing demo contents. Anyway, this can be ignored now.
Maybe you need to Approve all the imported Vendors? Go to Dashboard–> Users
Have already done that before I post question here.
Finally, I figure out what is going on. Now, stores are showing up.
This is mainly because when importing users the vendor information are all missing during the import process. In other words, go to each user’s profile page in admin, then add necessary information in the WC Vendor section. Then, store will show up.
Finally …