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    How can I edit the plugins in the child theme? Most of the plugin files are are found in the onesocial theme folder but when I copy the same folder to the child themes (onesocial child) and make changes, they don’t reflect. For instance:

    wp-content/themes/onesocila/bbpress works
    wp-content/themes/onesocila-child/bbpress does not works

    Can someone point me to how I can edit plugins in the child theme? The css styles work but the plugins won’t work.

    Please help



    Hi @vapvarun @pallavi,

    Can you please help with my question above?



    Hi Macarius

    We apologize for the delayed response, we are aware of the poor support performance over the last few weeks and are working hard on getting this back to normal. wp-content/themes/onesocial-child/bbpress this path should work, just tried it. Don’t edit parent theme or you will use your changes on every theme update. wp-content/themes/onesocial-child/bbpress is right way to do it, just inside you need to have same file structure as bbpress has for it’s templates. If you still have this problem provide us FTP creds so we can check it on your site.

    Thanks again for your patience. 

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