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    Hi guys,

    I know you fixed this issue in the latest Boss-for-Sensei update, but I’m afraid the problem has returned.

    I just renamed some modules in couple of my courses. After saving them, I found they had become detached from their respective courses. I re-assigned each module to it’s correct course, but now there’s an empty “lessons” module on each course page. See the attached screenshot.

    Any idea what’s causing this and how I can fix it?





    Hi @davejay, Please try to deactivate Boss for Sensei once and see if the issue still exist or not.



    I tried, but afraid that hasn’t helped, @pallavi.



    Hi @davejay
    Please send your login details again from our contact page i will check your site. Please also include this thread url for reference.

    Varun Dubey


    Thanks, Varun. I sent you the details.



    Hi @davejay, I have checked your site but did not found any empty “lessons” module on any course..

    If you have other concerns, just let us know and we will be more than happy to assist you.



    That is super weird, @pallavi… I didn’t do anything to here to fix the problem, so I’m not sure what’s different.

    Thanks for checking and I’ll let you know if the empty module returns.



    Okay..if you get the issue again let us know, we will check that


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