I want to make sure you all know I am not complaining. This is by far my favorite buddypress and wordpress theme period. It is just so clean and I love the navigation, facebook walls, etc.
I would however loved a widgetized footer and color picker. I’d pay for an upgrade. Hell I’d pay 80 bucks or more if this theme had a widgetized footer and color picker. Those would be the only two I’d want.
If you guys get to it great! if not no worries man. I still love this theme.
I purchased your theme a few weeks ago after searching for a good buddypress theme. Your theme is not just a good theme… It is undoubtedly the best! And your support forum is top notch! I definitely made the right decision with buddyboss.
The reason I purchased buddyboss was because I was looking to create a social network for my reality tv show blog. Your theme ‘fit the bill’ but I needed to customize the LOOK and hired an amazing web designer from Washington. She spent many days going over your theme and made some unbeliveable changes. If in the future you are asked to recommend a theme designer, please suggest that they visit her site. Her name is Heather Wood and her site is at http://ravenousravendesign.com.
When you have a chance, please take a look at my customized blog: http://www.bigbrothergame.com and let me know what you think.