BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Plugins BuddyBoss Media Fix for mobile rotation in BBMedia 3.0


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    First of all: WOW! Thanks for this wonderful update! I’m impressed.

    I noticed one issue though with the new dropzone and mobile rotation fix for mobile:

    I use an iphone4 and any pictures I upload that has been taken in portrait mode is uploaded in a rotated fashion. The ones I take in landscape mode are OK. I have 256 MB of memory available to php and this behavior did not happen in the previous version of BBMedia.

    I have tried this with 4 photo’s at once and also with 1 photo upload, same result.






    @haime Do you have the Mobile Rotation Fix option selected in the plugin options?



    I see it also mentioned here

    I got it fixed (I think) by adding another plugin to my test site.

    PS. yes, I have the option selected on my test site and I have deactivated all plugins except for BBWall, BBMedia and BP (and the one mentioned above that I now installed)





    the mysteries of WP… I removed the additional plugin mentioned above because it uses too much mem for my budget hosting. I flicked the selection of Mobile Rotation Fix a couple of times (saving settings each time). I have it now selected and now it is working perfectly… 🙁

    Case closed…





    Thanks for the follow up.

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