BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes BuddyBoss theme Force Register Button To Display

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    Hi There,

    I was wondering how I can get the Register Button to show even with the Registration Disabled.
    The reason why I’m asking is because I use the WPMU Memberhsip plugin for my registration.

    I remove the lines with the if code in the header.php and that works for displaying on desktop/pc mode but not on mobile devices, there the register link doesn’t show up.

    Any suggestions?





    @rotju that link is in the WordPress toolbar. I think this question would be better suited for WP or WPMU support. I’m not sure how this plugin functions to be able to tell you a related answer.


    I see,

    Is there a way to ad a custom button/link to the mobile navigation menu? Say I want to create a link underneat the “login” but only when a user is not logged in.

    I got the register button to show up when not on mobile by removing the

    <?php if ( buddyboss_is_bp_active() && bp_get_signup_allowed() ) : ?>

    lines of code. working fine.
    Is there any other code that I can change that it also shows when in mobile device?

    Any suggestions?



    @rotju again this menu is the wp toolbar. I haven’t edited it before and I know it’s been a pain in the past. You’ll have to contact WP for support.

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