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    It is fixed in our repo now , will be released shortly





    Varun, just checking in on the status of this fix.



    Hello @dbayless, I have sent you a private message, It have development version of sensei-buddypress
    No admin for existing group and menus are fixed inside it.
    Varun Dubey


    Thank you, Varun!


    Varun, is this problem deemed “fixed” in the latest theme/plugin updates? As far as I can tell, I’ve installed all of the latest updates, but I still get the “Forum” tab on a course page for which there is no associated forum. See attached screenshot.



    Hi @dbayless, Sorry it take long
    Boss-Sensei is still not update we are still on 1.0.2, it will be updated within 1-2 days.
    Varun Dubey


    Thanks, Varun. I understand. You guys have been really busy. I just wanted to make sure that I hadn’t dropped the ball on my end and missed an update along the way.


    Varun, I just installed Boss. for Sensei 1.0.3 and my problem is resolved. Thanks!



    Glad it fixed 🙂

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