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    I know Varun has been working on this; thanks, but, it still isnt working.
    I’m posting rather than PMing to show screen capture below…

    Thanks a lot




    Hi @english24
    I will cross check the approach again with developers.
    Varun Dubey


    Thanks 🙂



    Hi @english24, we are not able to login at your site
    We are getting following message

    The page you are trying to access is restricted due to a security rule.

    If you believe the security rule is affecting the normal operation of your website, contact your host support team and provide detailed instructions how to recreate this error.
    They will be able to assist you with rectifying the problem and adjusting the security configuration if needed.


    Hi Varun,
    My hosting company is asking for your IP address. Can you provide?



    Hi @english24 you can use


    Hi Varun,
    I’ve spoken to my hostng company
    They did something. Not sure what, but if you can try again…
    Also, when I upgraded the version, it partially solved the problem. In fact the ‘See all’ button is NOT covering the friends number anymore. Maybe you could just make it bigger again! See below attached screenshot!



    Hi @english24, i have check them Please use little bit bigger images for your badges
    preferred size is 100*100
    We are displaying them as 50*50 on the cover image page.
    Varun Dubey


    Hi Varun,
    Yes, I know. the smaller images were only a temporary fix. I will change them. The problem is that the circle for the ‘Show all’ button is only about ten pixels big and it appears ABOVE the three dots- this looks strange. the three dots should be inside the circle!

    See the attached screenshot.

    Do you see what I mean?


    Hi Varun
    Sorry to keep contacting you, but, the problem isn’t resolved yet!
    Did you get my mail?

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