BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes Boss. theme getimagesize WARNING on login page

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    I am getting the following code on my login page:
    Warning: getimagesize() [function.getimagesize]: http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /nfs/c03/h05/mnt/57863/domains/fitmamachallenge.com/html/wp-content/themes/boss/buddyboss-inc/theme-functions.php on line 1091

    Warning: getimagesize(http://fitmamachallenge.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/fitmama_logo.jpg) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /nfs/c03/h05/mnt/57863/domains/fitmamachallenge.com/html/wp-content/themes/boss/buddyboss-inc/theme-functions.php on line 1091

    Warning: Division by zero in /nfs/c03/h05/mnt/57863/domains/fitmamachallenge.com/html/wp-content/themes/boss/buddyboss-inc/theme-functions.php on line 1092

    What can be done to fix this? I just installed the theme yesterday on a clean WordPress installation.




    I’m having a similar issue here. My error codes are:

    Warning: getimagesize(…/uploads/2015/07/CareerTiger-Weblogo-White.png) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden in /…/public_html/wp-content/themes/boss/buddyboss-inc/theme-functions.php on line 1091

    Warning: Division by zero in /…/public_html/wp-content/themes/boss/buddyboss-inc/theme-functions.php on line 1092

    Live site: careertiger.co.nz
    (try to login and see the error on top)

    Any advice on this?



    What you report here is server configuration related, not Boss. related…

    here is a fix:


    some cheap hosts do not permit “fopen” functions, because it bring images hotlink and spam to their overused servers… you may need to upgrade to a better host, like Hostgator which are specialised in WordPress hosting…



    @slatham @slatham your hosting provider must have the setting allow_url_fopen set to on as per WordPress minimum server requirements.


    Thanks for the update, but that is not solving my issue.
    My hosting allows fopen. Setting on my whm under php config is:
    allow_url_fopen = on

    Any other advice?



    @rotju chmod the uploads folder AND all subfolders 755 or 777


    @tjchester folders where already at 755 (definitely not 777 😉



    @rotju is your site set to private or require a password to access content? What version of Boss are you running? Can you send me a link to your site?


    I just found out that my htaccess file was causing heaps of problems including the getsizeimage error. Using the default htaccess file for wpmu, the issue is solved.



    Ah, good times, I’ll leave this open in case one of the other users is still having issues.

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