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  • Question



    How can I add a banner ad above the header that will just go away if someone scrolls down? Right now, if I edit the header.php and put in my ad code, when the user scrolls down the top-bar leaves a gap where the ad was (see pic).

    I would like to add a banner ad, 728 x 90, right above the site in the center. Right now, every way I tried that messed up the experience of the sticky title bar when the user scrolls down.

    Please help.





    Hi @sportsmockery, header ads with 728px width is not a good fit and even it will also break responsive nature of the website.
    I will suggest to utilize left sidebar and content top or bottons positions for your ads

    Varun Dubey


    Fair enough, thanks.



    🙂 I will close this topic, feel free to create new topic for any further queries.

    Varun Dubey

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