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    For my site I want to change the tab label “News Feed” to something else. I had thought to use localization to make the change, however, using the CodeStyling Localization plugin, I see both “Wall” and “My Likes”, but not “News Feed.” How can I change the News Feed label or get it to show up in the .po file?




    @block4 Welcome to the BuddyBoss community! I’m sorry to say we forgot to add these to the language file. For now you will need to edit includes/main-class.php line 66-69 manually. We will get this fixed for the next minor release. If not please post back and I’ll make sure the developers get in the one after that.


    Thanks TJ. Editing the source file worked. Since BuddyBoss Wall isn’t in the wordpress.org repository, how will I know when the next release comes out?



    @block4 Fixed locally. You’ll know when the next release comes out the same way as a regular WP plugin. We have a system that pushes updates in the same way. You’ll see the plugin update available in you WP admin and when you click update it will download the next release 🙂


    Yep, saw through the normal way that their was an update. After updating I saw that “News Feed” had been added to the language file, so thanks for that. Strangely though, even though I added a “translation” for Wall and Newsfeed, and the .mo file was generated, the translations do not display on the user’s wall. Additionally, now if I update the code in includes/main-class.php, the words in the tab do not update. I deleted the plugin and reinstalled version 1.0.1 and updated the code as directed, and the tab label updated. Then I updated the plugin again to 1.0.2 and updated the code as directed, and the tab label did not change.


    Hi guys,
    @tjchester @michael
    I think my question is related to this one.

    I am translating the theme and the plugin- but I cannot translate these strings-
    News Feed
    My Likes

    I found and translated “wall” and “my likes” (and “news feed” – after the update) but the translation is not showing on the front end.

    there are a few other strings that I can’t seem to find ( “posted a picture”, you (%s posted an update) etc).

    See what I mean HERE. Whatever is still in ENG is untranslatable.

    Secondly –
    How do I update without loosing the languages now that there are separated plugins. Is there a way to define the source of languages for the plugin- to come from the child theme, like with the theme languages?

    Make sure you see this exact line uncommented in the functions.php file in your child theme: load_theme_textdomain( ‘buddyboss’, get_stylesheet_directory() . ‘/languages’ );. That line tells WordPress to load your child theme’s language files in place of the parent theme’s language files. If you see the textdomain written as ‘buddyboss_child’, for this method you will want to change it to read as ‘buddyboss’.

    from https://www.buddyboss.com/tutorials/language-translations/.

    so far everytime I updated the plugins I had to manually upload the language files.




    It looks like there is a problem in the code (bad references for Wall, News Feeds and My Likes strings) as they do not work even if you have translations for them in the .PO file.

    I have sent that info to Michel’s email along with updated .POs for both Wall and Media plugins.



    @block4 @milena @imdyakov these will be fixed in the next release. In the meantime you can edit the files manually includes/main-class.php line 66-69


    Glad to hear this will be fixed.

    As stated above: “now if I update the code in includes/main-class.php, the words in the tab do not update”.



    @block4 @milena @imdyakov CORRECTION these will be fixed in the next release. In the meantime you can edit the files manually includes/main-class.php line 267-270


    Thanks TJ. Looking forward for an update.


    Hi @tjchester,

    I was wondering about the update, is it about to be available soon?

    Also what exactly do I update manually?

    @block4 @milena @imdyakov CORRECTION these will be fixed in the next release. In the meantime you can edit the files manually includes/main-class.php line 267-270

    I can see the English strings for
    News Feed
    My Likes
    in the translation file, but whatever I translate is not showing up.




    @milena you will need to edit the PHP file manually until the next release. I’m not sure when that will be.


    Hi there @tjchester,

    So you mean I should translate the strings in the php file…?



    @milena yes, translate the string in the file directly.

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