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    Now it seens for admin^ but I need show admin bar for customers. How to do it? Thanks a lot.




    Hi @wasoo,

    At present you can enable it for admin from BuddyBoss theme setting, and for customers need to check with developers, But seems it will need to edit the parent them also.
    these are used at multiple instaces to register and deregister scripts.


    Hello, thank You for Your response.
    How do You think^ it is correct if я will use this snippet in function.php?

    function boss_show_adminbar_for_all() {
    $show = false;
    if ( !is_admin() && current_user_can( ‘manage_options’ ) && (boss_get_option( ‘boss_adminbar’ )) ) {
    $show = true;
    if ( !is_admin() && current_user_can( ‘read’ ) && (boss_get_option( ‘boss_adminbar’ )) ) {
    $show = true;
    return $show;
    add_filter( ‘boss_show_adminbar’, ‘boss_show_adminbar_for_all’ );



    It doesn’t seems working, I have notified about it to developers to make a suggestion
    Varun Dubey


    I’am not sure but it works. Adminbar showing, but I’am afraid maybe it will make errors somewhere else.



    If it is working, then all fine
    not sure why it did not work for me 🙂

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