BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes Boss. theme How to add tinymce /WYSWYG Editor to Activity Post Form ?

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    I need to add rich text editor( CKeditor / Tinymice /WYSWYG editor ) in activity post form or in group instead of the actual textarea.




    Hi @benworx, Please take a look of this thread hope it will help you:



    @Pallavi ,
    Thank you for quick reply , the link you are provide that i had already tried it gives me only the add image button instead of full tinymce or WYSWYG editor and i try to post that image or content it doesn’t post on wall .



    Hi @benworx, As it is a buddypress component so you can contact in Buddypress Support Forum to get the proper solution..

    If you have other concerns, just let us know and we will be more than happy to assist you.


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