BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Solutions Social Learner how to get 'watch introduction' on the start course page?

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  • This topic has 4 replies, 4 contibutors, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    I’m using Social Learner with Learndash and noticed that in this video they have a ‘watch introduction’ button on the start page. I can work out how to add this button through the dashboard, can anyone help?



    Hi @eltc-tel I’m using the Sensei version, but for me I go to the edit course page, and there’s a box to insert a YouTube or Vimeo link. Once you pop the link in there, the “watch introduction” button appears on the course front-end.





    @familybudgeting Thanks 🙂

    Hi @eltc-tel, Please see the attached screenshot to get clear idea where to add your video url in your edit course’s video section.



    cheers Mike and Pallavi for the help, that’s really clear and very useful



    Great, i will close this topic please feel free to create a new topic for any further queries.

    Varun Dubey

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