BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Plugins BuddyBoss Inbox Inbox issue sends message to many users

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    Hi –

    Major issue with inbox- if i select Send To (Username or Friend’s Name) and select a common name like “Linda” it will show a result for all Lindas in the the database, I then select the specific Linda I want to send a message to It shows as sent to that person however, it ends up sending it to ALL Lindas in the database. This is a MAJOR issue and basically makes it unusable.

    Please advise



    Hi –

    Major issue with inbox- if i select Send To (Username or Friend’s Name) and select a common name like “Linda” it will show a result for all Lindas in the the database, I then select the specific Linda I want to send a message to It shows as sent to that person however, it ends up sending it to ALL Lindas in the database. This is a MAJOR issue and basically makes it unusable.

    Please advise



    Hi @nvwa, Sorry for delayed response
    I have notified developers about it, it will be fixed shortly
    Varun Dubey


    Is there an ETA on a fix? This issue basically makes the plugin useless!



    Hi @nvwa, I have already added it at high priority it should be fixed within a week.

    Varun Dubey


    I have just purchased and installed “Inbox”. What’s the status of this bug?!?


    Yes, What is the status?



    Hi @nvwa
    This bug has been sent to the developers but is still pending, I will ping them again.
    Varun Dubey



    Hi @nvwa @schwarzaufweiss
    It is BuddyPress bug. We have submitted it to BuddyPress to fix it. https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/6980
    Varun Dubey


    Despite this being an issue with Buddypress itself, can BuddyBoss address it? It’s a major issue and there’s been zero activity on that buddypress ticket… We might have to wait a very long time for them.


    This works for us. It does two things: 1. search all users not just friends 2. clear input field after you select from autosuggest list.

    I’ll put it here in case it helps anyone else. No promises, though!

    if(function_exists("bp_is_messages_component")) {
           define( 'BP_MESSAGES_AUTOCOMPLETE_ALL', false );
          $current_url = bp_get_requested_url();
          if (strpos($current_url, 'compose') > 0) {
    				// Include the autocomplete JS for composing a message.
              remove_action( 'wp_head', 'messages_autocomplete_init_jsblock' );
    					add_action( 'wp_head','messages_autocomplete_init_jsblock_custom',99,0);
    function messages_autocomplete_init_jsblock_custom() {
    			<script type="text/javascript">
    					window.user_profiles = Array();
    						jQuery(document).ready(function() {
                   var obj = jQuery(".send-to-input").autocomplete({
    									   source: function(request, response) {
    											   var term = request.term;
    											   if (term in window.user_profiles) {
    											   var data = {
    													   'action': 'messages_autocomplete_results',
    													   'search_term': request.term
    													   url: ajaxurl + '?q=' + request.term + '&limit=10',
    													   data: data,
    													   success: function(data) {
    															   var new_data = Array();
    															   d = data.split("\n");
    															   jQuery.each(d, function(i, item) {
    																	   new_data[new_data.length] = item;
    															   if (data != "") {
    									   minLength: 1,
    									   select: function(event, ui) {
    											   sel_item = ui.item;
    											   var d = String(sel_item.label).split(' (');
    											   var un = d[1].substr(0, d[1].length - 1);
    											   //check if it already exists;
    											   if (0 === jQuery('.acfb-holder').find('#un-' + un).length) {
    													   var ln = '#link-' + un;
    													   var l = jQuery(ln).attr('href');
    													   var v = '<li class="selected-user friend-tab" id="un-' + un + '"><span><a href="' + l + '">' + d[0] + '</a></span> <span class="p">X</span></li>';
    													   if (jQuery(".acfb-holder").find(".friend-tab").length == 0) {
    															   var x = jQuery('.acfb-holder').prepend(v);
    													   } else {
    															   var x = jQuery('.acfb-holder').find(".friend-tab").last().after(v);
    											   return false;
    									   focus: function(event, ui) {
    											   jQuery(".ui-autocomplete li").removeClass("ui-state-hover");
    											   return false;
                                   obj.data("ui-autocomplete")._renderItem = function(ul, item) {
    									   if (jQuery("body").data("ac-item-p") == "even"){
    											c = "ac_event";
    										} else {
    											c = "ac_odd";
    									   return jQuery("<li class='"+c+"'>").append("<a>" + item.label + "</a>").appendTo(ul);
                                    obj.data("ui-autocomplete")._resizeMenu = function () {
                                        var ul = this.menu.element;
    							   jQuery(document).on("click", ".selected-user", function() {
    							   jQuery('#send_message_form').submit(function() {
    									   tosend = Array();
    									   jQuery(".acfb-holder").find(".friend-tab").each(function(i, item) {
    											   un = jQuery(this).attr("id");
    											   un = un.replace('un-', '');
    											   tosend[tosend.length] = un;
    									   document.getElementById('send-to-usernames').value = tosend.join(" ");

    @ricochetsupport, where do you put this code? functions.php or somewhere else?


    @davejay Yes, you could put it in the functions.php file of your child theme, or in the bp-custom.php file in your plugins folder. If you’re not aware, you can create a file called bp-custom.php and put it in your plugins folder and it will be used only if buddypress is active. You can put any buddypress-related code in it. Useful for keeping things organized.

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