BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Plugins BuddyBoss Wall Installation issue

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    Okay so I am having issue when installing the BuddyWall addon I paid for? How do I got about installing it because I believe I’m doing it correct but I keep getting an error.




    Hi @japreme. Please let us know which error message you are getting ?


    When I attempt to install it, I get error message that it contains no CSS Stylesheet within it for both BuddyWall and Buddymedia addon I purchased.



    Hi @japreme, you are uploading to theme, please try to upload from add new plugin section
    BuddyBoss Wall and BuddyBoss Media both are plugins not theme


    Okay thank you, I was able to resolve that issue. I have one more question when I try to register, it opens up this page with error 404. What I am looking to do is enable users to register for my website and as well connect with there Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram as alternative as another way to sign up.

    How do I go about fixing the error 404



    Might be your htaccess rules are not getting updated, please check your .htaccess file inside root folder
    and try to save your permalinks again


    How do I go about doing that exactly. I am not sure how to? Please can you provide steps of where exactly and what I need to do.



    Hi @japreme

    Please check your file manager and look for .htaccess file
    If it existing
    its codes should be

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress

    If it does not exist you can create and add above codes
    Varun Dubey


    I did exactly and the issue is still happening. Is there suppose to be a .htaccess.phpswitch file in my public_html?



    Hi @japreme, please send your login details at [email protected]
    we will check that
    Varun Dubey

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