BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Plugins BuddyBoss Media Latest update breaks deleting posts

  • This topic has 7 replies, 3 contibutors, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    @vapvarun @michael

    The latest update breaks deleting posts on the activity wall. I’m afraid to ask, is this tested? I tested in a clean buddyboss install.

    First, when deleting a post with uploaded image, the beachball keeps spinning in the delete button, sometimes I get an error sometimes not. When refreshed, only the image is deleted, not the post (text)!. So a second delete action is required.

    Second, the photo upload button in mobile view, see self explanatory image attached, not aligned.




    Hi @mth75, It’s an known issue inside last update and it is rescheduled to be fixed in next update.
    Sorry for inconvenience.



    @vapvarun @tjchester I updated to the last wall version, same problem still exists. Any outlook on when this for at least big problem will be solved?



    Hi @mth75

    It’s related to media plugin and it will also updated within next couple of days, my next priority is media plugin fixes.


    @vapvarun Thx I wasn’t completely sure.



    Where is the update? We are going for a month now, not a couple of days.



    Hi @mth75, Latest version of BuddyBoss Media has been launched please update your plugins..hope it will resolve your issues.

    If you have any further queries let us know..


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