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    Interested in Education / Course management integration for your BuddyPress site?

    Apply to beta test some new things we’re working on.

    UPDATE: Beta testing is now closed. Our first Education product will be released later this month (June).



    Any plans to incorporate videos? I’m toying with the idea of making a paid video course. Cheers Ray


    Also looking for course integration with videos for a project I’m working on.



    @raytronx @acroyes

    The project we’re working on is an integration with some popular course management plugins, integrating them into Boss theme and BuddyPress itself. They actually support video out of the box, Youtube embeds via the WP editor.


    Awesome. Just bought the BuddyBoss theme though. Is there plans to integrate into that one?


    @michael Crossing fingers for this integration to be with LEARNDASH 🙂

    I just sent an email to support. Lets do this!




    The plugins will integrate with any theme. Design is for Boss only at the moment, may come to BuddyBoss theme later if there is enough demand.



    @leonardoarias Just replied to you. Yes, LearnDash will be supported 🙂


    Sure, count me in


    I’m definitely interested. Currently using Namaste! LMS with BuddyBoss (child) theme.


    i’m installing a LMS in the next days for my parenting group…



    When are you planning on releasing this for beta? I am really looking forward to it.

    One problem I am currently having is I need private courses, but when I set them to private then teachers cannot manage the learned in sensei and students cannot see the courses they are currently taking. It would be amazing if the courses could be protected by being attached to groups. Any possibility of this? I cannot figure out the best way to do this.

    Anyone else here figure out a way to have private courses where you can only add students from the backend without allowing them to enroll themselves? I am currently using Sensei, maybe there is a better LMS plugin. Thanks!


    there is always something better than sensei, as it is the most basic plugin of all…

    btw, what you ask is not complicated to do, but would require a custom code to handle it. did you ask the guys at WooThemes ?! they handle custom jobs for Sensei’s customers.


    Thanks, I switched to LearnDash Jean. It has many more features.

    The problem I am having now is the Group Admin role is redirecting to their account page when trying to access wp-admin. Has this happened to anyone else? LearnDash suggested I had a redirect setup but I don’t, which makes me think it is conflicting with BuddyBoss? Thanks!



    I’m very keen to get involved, my website is called physiocourse.com so educational course integration would be excellent for me, especially a video on demand type feature as discussed above.

    Matthew Boyd

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