- This topic has 17 replies, 4 contibutors, and was last updated 9 years, 5 months ago by .
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BuddyBoss Home – Web › Support Forums › Themes › Boss. theme › Member Header Issues
The member-header.php has some issues…logout appears twice in the drop down…also the width of dropdown is too much..how do i reduce the width?
Also you are using get_displayed_user_fullname….how do i change that to firstname or nicename?
kindly find the image attatched
@wrkazigmail I’m not sure why your menu is so wide, check our demo, it is not that size by default. It is possible you have custom code or a plugin conflicting with CSS. To remove the first Logout link add this to custom.css:
.header-account-login #adminbar-links{display:none;}
Copy member-header.php to child theme in SAME folder structure. Then change the function to:
the menu is wide cause the firstname and lastname is long as compared to your demo. thats why wanted user nicename
where do i change the nicename to in the member-header.php?
<h1><?php echo bp_get_displayed_user_fullname(); ?></h1><span class=”sep”><?php _e(‘, ‘,’boss’); ?></span>
<h2 class=”user-nicename”>@<?php bp_displayed_user_username(); ?></h2>
i did try changing above but creates issues.
.header-account-login #adminbar-links{display:none;} doesnt change anything. still the 2 logout buttons. you can see this 2 logout buttions even in your demo of boss theme
@wrkazigmail Change CSS to:
.header-account-login #adminbar-links{display:none !important;}
Line 170 of header.php:
<span class="name"><?php echo bp_core_get_user_displayname( get_current_user_id() ); ?></span>
Change to:
<span class="name"><?php echo bp_core_get_username( get_current_user_id() ); ?></span>
.header-account-login #adminbar-links{display:none !important;} doesnt work again……in short the 2 logout buttons still there….
the display name issue fixed..thanks…so member-header.php is not to be touched at all right?
if i remove the <span class=”logout”> from header then only it works…else the default wp toolbar logout button comes in…kindly advise
@wrkazigmail if it works for you then it should be good. Let me know if you have any issues I haven’t responded to.
… i suppose we all that same bug, i’ve been facing this double logout button problem for 2 weeks, didn’t have time to report it… we have it in the general list, and the other button below is styled.
Hi @jeanpierre & @wrkazigmail , please Add following css to custom css it will removed the first logout link.
.header-account-login .screen-reader-shortcut {
display: none !important;
i know that, Varun, but it’s not on my side that things need to be fixed, but in a future release of the theme that your guys need to fix it… i don’t see where it’s a problem to have that link twice, so i’m not tweaking the css for that small detail.
Hi @jeanpierre , Yup we have noted it, developer also have included display:none in main desktop css for it. It was included to provide log out option for mobile menu.
I have pasted instant solution to remove it 🙂 .
.header-account-login .screen-reader-shortcut {
display: none !important;
above doesnt work for me…anyways kindly get it fixed.
No worries, it will be fixed in next updates, minnor issue only.
with 1.1.9 update the 2 logout buttons issue still remains….
also with 1.1.9 the following has stoped working…
Line 170 of header.php:
<span class=”name”><?php echo bp_core_get_user_displayname( get_current_user_id() ); ?></span>
Change to:
<span class=”name”><?php echo bp_core_get_username( get_current_user_id() ); ?></span>
if i make the above changes in header.php the site goes down.
kindly advise