BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Solutions Social Learner menu disappeared after update

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    Since updating boss this morning my menu has disappeared. It appears if you mouse over menu (kind of) but it’s in the wrong place (under the menu)

    (I checked the font colour in the new styles menu – doesn’t correspond to font colour now.)




    Hi @english24, Please update Social Learner Child theme it will fix the issue
    Varun Dubey


    Hi Varun,
    I’m already on 1.0.2! Isn’t that the latest version?


    Hi @english24

    You need to update manually to Social Learner 1.0.6. Click on ‘My Downloads’ where you should find the newest version.

    Best regards,


    Hi, Thanks for the info, however, I’m getting an error message when I try to install the plug in on ‘my downloads’ (Some of the others worked fine)
    ‘No valid plug in’ found. Tried a few times.
    Any suggestions?



    Hi @english24, you should upload it in theme section not plugin

    if you have not made any edits inside your social learner child theme , then you can simply delete it and upload new version.
    If you have made any edits inside the child theme, please create an backup of the child theme first and merge new version of the social learner with old version of the theme.

    Varun Dubey


    Of course.
    Resolved. Thanks again!



    🙂 great I will close this topic

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