BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes BuddyBoss Mobile Only Menu issues (detailed in description)

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 contibutors, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    First off my environment.

    Wordpress 4.4.2
    Buddypress 2.4.3
    Main Theme – X by Themeco version 4.1.0
    Mobile Theme Switcher – Mobile Smart Pro version 1.3.5 (Recommended)


    Left home button displays 3, which is the number of messages waiting to be checked.
    Logging into main theme also shows 3 messages waiting. Link works in main theme.
    BuddyBoss Mobile only theme only toggles a highlighted and non highlighted home icon when you select it but never takes you to messages as main theme does.

    Main Navigation Menu always defaults to a list of WordPress Pages WHEN you have the main theme active and BuddyBoss Mobile only selected as the mobile theme. If BuddyBoss Mobile is selected for BOTH main and mobile the menu works flawlessly. Changing main back to X theme and changing mobile to X Theme produces a correct navigation menu. I have tried both options of Mobile inheriting Main Theme menu AND creating a mobile only for BuddyBoss. Either option produces a list of pages only when X is the main theme and BuddyBoss is the mobile theme.

    Although X theme is dazzling as a main theme its mobile is fairly uninspiring to me and was super excited to find out you made this theme. All other aspects of your theme are PERFECT, I just need to get the menu issues sorted out. Also, a big shout out to all your products, I think I own 99% of them and they all work wonderfully integrated into my X theme implementation.

    I can provide URL’s login info etc. Just let me know.





    Hi @chagemeier

    Please send me your login details from our contact page, we will check at your site.


    How can I private message them to you?



    I replied to your email with my credentials, let me know if you get them.




    Hi @chagemeier
    I have added codes to create menu mobile menu location “mobile”
    and after making selection, Your mobile menus will display it

    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'register_extra_menu' );
    function register_extra_menu() {
      register_nav_menu( 'mobile', __( 'Mobile Menu', 'buddyboss-mobile' ) );


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