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    with tablet 10″ I see the buddyboss theme like desktop computer.

    In the past I used (for other theme) “WP Mobile Detect” plugin to detect if is mobile device (smartphone, tablet, ecc..)

    I think is very good implementation.




    @nicolacirotto You need this theme used in conjunction with the mobile detect plugin of your choice –

    I would highly recommend, especially on iPad / Tablet.


    hi paul thanks for answer.
    But I have another question: if I have created a child theme of “BuddyBoss Theme” with customization, I need to create another child theme for “BuddyBoss Super Mobile”?


    @nicolacirotto The Super Mobile theme has it’s own child theme – personally I’ve only made one or two custom css changes for this, less than the desktop version. You will need the Super Mobile theme activated in the WP dashboard to make changes to it in the Customizer.


    I saw another problem… the widget settings of main theme not show on mobile theme switched :S

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