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    am not able to change Mobile Titlebar Text Color…..comes as white only no matter what color i change to…can this be checked plz?





    Hi @wrkazigmail, Pls attached a screenshot of title location so we could inspect and check it.



    find attatched 2 images…i have kept white background for logo and title bar….

    boss_desktop.JPG you can see the title bar coming in grey……

    this is white in mobile and it merges with the background even if i keep it grey or any other color…..boss_mobile.jpg

    this settings are done from the styling option of boss theme


    see this image also..with the buddypanel menu in an open state…



    Hi @wrkazigmail, Pls provide the site url so we could inspect the exact issue.



    plz go to wp-admin/admin.php?page=boss_options then go to styling….then go to Titlebar (Mobile) in this setting make Mobile Titlebar Background Color as white (fffff) and in Mobile Titlebar Text Color (Select your text color for mobile Titlebar.) make it any color other then default….make it grey or black for instance..this wont be reflected on the mobile site…..



    Hi @wrkazigmail, I have notified it to our developers about this..for quick solution pls add this css to your custom css file

    .sidebar-btn {
        color: #000 !important; //replace the color code with your color//



    Thanks..also if you can update the current theme better with BP 2.4.0 would help. couple of plugins am finding an issue with the display/css



    Hi @wrkazigmail, Please let us know with which plugin its not working properly we will check all them.



    I have been experiencing a problem where the icons for the right side panel or the left side panel do not show when in mobile view.

    I included a snapshot of my laptop from my phone when my platform is in mobile view to show you my issue.

    Is there away to fix this by any chance? Furthermore, I wanted to know how to make the left side panel where my logo sits one solid color so that when i scroll down that is the color of the panel is seen on the left…

    Kindly advise as to how I can fix that as well. I look forward to hearing from you. Btw, do you know how i can also change the background where the profile name appears or the font? Because the white background is not very friendly or conducive?



    Hi @umaizitabiri,

    Boss theme have an option to display the Buddypanel for logout users and keep it stay open all time
    Please enable it.
    Varun Dubey

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