BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Plugins BuddyBoss Media multiple photoswipe plugins

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    I have the buddyboss 4.0.6 theme and I am interested in the Media plugin. However I also use NextCellent Gallery (NOT NextGEN Gallery because that does not work with BP 2.1) and I also use Photoswipe for NextGEN Gallery 1.2.1 which basically add Photoswipe lightbox to all my (nextcellent) galleries. I have photoswipe set for both desktop as well as mobile.

    Will there be an issue if I purchase and install BB Media plugin (which has it’s own photoswipe module)?





    @haime I’m not 100% certain, but if it doesn’t work we have a money back guarantee so no worries about that 🙂


    @admin thanks, I know of the money back, I was only wondering if you have had issues with this before. Would save both of us time 🙂 cheers


    @admin just a quick note to let you know that I can confirm that the combination of BuddyBoss Media and Photoswipe for NextGen Gallery works! They do NOT interfere 🙂



    Awesome, thanks for the update!

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