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    Hi, I have buddypress for the purpose of members registering to create several sites under their account. I notice that as a Superadmin I get the “My Sites” option under my profile dropdown, but regular users don’t get that option, even if they have multiple websites under. What’s the solution? Please advise.




    Hi @vefusion, It need some major changes inside the function which is responsible to display it. It also have complexity to display my sites menus on mobile devices. We have rendered the wp-admin bar and grabbed links from there to create drop down menus. I have passed it to developers.


    So how is it available to me (superuser) and not to the regular users? is it related to their user role? This is also something I need to reproduce even when the user goes to the back end (dashboard)



    Hi @vefusion,
    we are working on it to display additional “My Sites” menus for the regular users without any super admin role restrictions.
    Varun Dubey


    In my setup each member has multiple sites under them, that’s why I need “My Sites” to be available to them as well but only the sites they have admin permissions for, I noticed that on the dashboard side, by default wordpress displays every site you are a member of even if you are just a subscriber and it makes sense but in my case it should only be sites you have admin rights to so they don’t get to dead ends when they cli on go to admin of a site they’re don’t have admit permissions for. I can achieve that on the back end but my question is if “My Sites” will reflect my settings on the front end too



    It will also reflect at frontend , developers have not started on yet. We were busy at WordCamp. We speed up all request.

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