BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes Boss. theme My WP crashed after updating the theme!!!

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  • This topic has 7 replies, 3 contibutors, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    I just updated the Boss theme and my site crashed!! Now I cant access wp-admin. What should I do? I need urgent help. I have whole lot of editing to do today.




    You might be waiting a while for a fix here, go to your buddyboss account page and download an older version of the theme, you will need to delete the theme folder via your cpanel or ftp or rename it i.e boss.old, then upload the older theme via ftp as obviously you can’t access your website. This might temp fix your problem.

    Only delete or rename the theme ‘boss’ folder! I hate to say this but this problem doesn’t surprise me at present. If you need any further help just get back to me here



    Hi @socialcoc,Sorry for inconvenience.

    It was temp issue for server which have below than PHP 5.6.
    it is fixed Please download the current version and upload it
    It will fix the issue



    Thanks @jerseypeeps
    We have updated most of pending fixes.


    Thanks @jerseypeeps. @vapvarun I will do that thanks.

    BTW I wont lose my settings right?



    Hi @socialcoc, nothing will be lost



    Why release a an updated theme that has bugs in it? This is the reason I am slowing migrating to another theme, because any decent company would check for these sort of errors before releasing an update!



    Hi @jerseypeeps, It had issue for lower PHP version below PHP 5.6 version not for everyone that’s why It was cleared from testing phase.
    Which is fixed quickly after update, and we pushed new updates within 20 mins.
    Varun Dubey

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