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    Hi, I have just purchased the Boss theme and there is no Boss.Zip file included so I cannot install/use the theme.

    Many thanks



    1- you are supposed to have a link in the left sidebar, “My Downloads”…it goes to that page

    and the file you need is called “Boss. – 1.1.8 (current version)” in the list of Available downloads.

    The files will be only available once the purchase in completed fully…



    @alexmair Welcome to the BuddyBoss community! Please let me know if you still need assistance with this.


    Hi, Thank you guys for quick response. Problem is resolved now. For some reason the theme and two plugins I purchased, all three zip files automatically appeared in the recycle/trash bin instead of the contents folder. Very strange. But just dragged them out and works fine now.

    Many Thanks



    Great, I’ll close this out.

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