• This topic has 6 replies, 2 contibutors, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Question


    Hi there,

    I’m setting up print-specific CSS for this theme, but something odd is happening. When printing only, we’ve removed the majority of the content on the page as we only want a specific part to be printed out, however when actually printing out the content it inserts lots of blank pages.

    I’ve done some debugging, and there appears to be some JS code that sets the height of the div #primary – see my screenshot of the div in Chrome’s Inspector. The large height value of this div is causing the empty pages.

    I can think of two solutions but I’m struggling to implement either:
    1) remove the JS code setting the div height. If this is removed though, will it have any ramifications elsewhere in the theme?
    2) have some JS re-calculate the div height before calling the window.print() function, then applying the old height value again after printing. I don’t know if it’s possible though as I’m not sure when the CSS for printing is applied to the div.



    Hi again,

    has anyone been able to look into this & is able to shed some light on the issue?


    We actually need this fixed fairly soon. Is someone looking into this?



    Hi @creativebrew,
    Sorry for delayed response
    We have already assigned task to developer to look for it and provide corresponding solution

    Varun Dubey


    Hi Varun,

    thanks for passing it on. Have the dev team been able to work out the importance of the div height? Thanks


    Hi again – just wanting to get an update on this, thanks.



    Hi @creativebrew,

    It taking time, team is currently busy on high priority task related to Social Learner with learndash and sensei.
    Hopefully it will be added inside our updates shortly

    Varun Dubey

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