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    Is it possible (and doesn’t it make sense) to replace steps with lessons.
    So, instead of “1 out of 5 steps completed” we should have “1 out of 5 lessons completed”? This shows in the course page.
    Is it possible to customize it?

    Thanks so much



    I agree that would be a nice and logical change. I guess it can be done in some .php file?



    Hi @asangansi @mln83, You can change it from translation files, without editing any plugin files.
    Varun Dubey


    Thanks @vapvarun
    Please can you point me to the file to edit?
    Would really appreciate.



    Hi @asangansi
    just install the plugin Loco Translate

    Go to plugin option
    Select the Plugin Learndash, find the string
    and in translation section put new string

    If it seems hard to you send your login details at [email protected]
    We will add them.
    Varun Dubey

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