BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes Boss. theme request for membership for private Groups

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    I am using the boss theme and for private groups when a user requests for membership it does not open up a page but instead directly sends out an email.Earlier what buddypress used to do is to open up a page where a user can enter comments. Now that is not happening in this theme.

    So i have the following questions

    1) How do we get the request membership page to be showwn?
    2) Can i modify that page to show additional fields? The 2nd question might be more suitable for buddy press forums but am asking it here anyways.





    Hi @bhagwat-paraggmail-com, Boss theme do not contain any membership approach. you will need to use membership plugins to protect your content
    You can easily search for Buddypress Supported membership plugin and can use any one.
    S2 Member , Membership 2 from WPMUDEV, PMPRO are major one.
    Varun Dubey

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