BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Themes Boss. theme rtMedia Sidebar Widgets

  • This topic has 5 replies, 3 contibutors, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Question


    Just a quick question, the rtMedia Gallery widget displays thumbnails of photos music and videos on users profiles, it does everything i need it to do. Will rtMedia Gallery widget work with the BOSS theme and or BuddyBoss theme? Any help will be appreciated before i make this purchase.

    Thank you for your time.





    Hi @digital-porch
    Rt Media will work fine with Boss theme ,We have added dedicated support for it inside Boss theme. It will also work with BuddyBoss theme


    Thank you for your reply, I purchased the widget and everything works like i need it to, but i have a question, how do i set Rt Media or the Gallery widget to display ONLY what an individual user posts on his/her wall in the widget?
    Right now if a user posts a photo it shows up on EVERYBODY’S wall in the widget. I just want a way for each user to post photos and have it display on their wall in the widget like twitter and Facebook.
    Can this be done with CSS or some simple way in the Boss theme?

    Thank you for your time




    Hi @digital-porch, You can check it in the rtMedia Sidebar Widgets setting as the sidebar is visble for all users.




    Hello, I have been trying for the last month to get this correct. I have followed the tutorial and i still haven’t got the sidebar widget to work properly. I even changed my theme to buddyboss and i still have the same results. So I am asking again How do i set the rtMedia gallery widget to show ONLY what each user has uploaded for his/her wall. Right now every uploaded picture shows up on EVERYBODYS wall. I just want to have the thumbnails on each users wall that can be seen by the user and friends ONLY. Is there a CSS or PHP way to do this? I use Twitter and Facebook as an example for their thumbnails on the users wall.

    Thank you again for your time in this matter.



    Hi @digital-porch, You are using widget for global gallery that’s why widget is displaying images from all users.

    You can view these option and it will always display all image from all user, their is no option to display image from current user or displayed user.

    Please check with RTmedia support of it.

    For widget style edits, that can be managed by css edits.


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