BuddyBoss Home – Web Support Forums Solutions Social Learner Sensei issues after update

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 contibutors, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    Hi Buddyboss,

    I just pulled down the new updates for Sensei, and I’m getting the following fatal error running Sensei 1.9.2:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function wcs_user_has_subscription() in /www/wp-content/plugins/woothemes-sensei/includes/class-sensei-wc.php on line 1519

    Sensei appears to work fine with WP 2015 theme with all Social Learner plugins deactivated. It also works fine and with Social Learner theme active, but Boss-for-Sensei deactivated. The error only reappears when I reactivate Boss-for-Sensei.

    Any ideas what’s happing here?





    Hi @davejay, New updates for Boss for Sensei and Buddypress for Sensei has been launched please update it as there are lots of bugs fixes in the current version.



    Yes, I know, Pallavi. I’m sorry I wasn’t clear. I’m getting the error after updating everything. Sensei, Boss for Sensei, and Buddypress for Sensei are all running with the current version. Whenever I navigate to a course page, I get a white screen and a fatal error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function wcs_user_has_subscription() in /www/wp-content/plugins/woothemes-sensei/includes/class-sensei-wc.php on line 1519


    Actually, scratch that, Pahlavi. I tracked the problem down to my version of Woocommerce Subscriptions, which was out of date. My apologies.



    Hi @davejay, WC code uses the wcs_user_has_subscription() function to determine if the current user has an active subscription as it was outdated that’s why you were getting Fatal Error.

    Glad you have solved it..


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